Headache or Migraine Relief Cap: Every face, head, and eye may be fit by its flexible compression and double seams. Made of Lycra fabric and thick, solid gel, it offers faster pain relief for stress-related ocular, cranial, and facial strain while remaining pleasant and smooth.
Simple to use: Either as an Ice mask covering the entire face or as a cap protecting the temples, you can wear it. It is stretchable and provides 360 of tight compression as well as more cold penetration to reduce discomfort for a natural cooling migraine & headache treatment therapy. To quickly experience cold or heat treatment, place the mask in the refrigerator or microwave.
Comfortable and Quick Relieve: A thick ice pack for the head uses compression and freezing to ease discomfort. Ice caps are now flexible and precisely snug-fit on heads even when frozen thanks to innovations like malleable gel and stretchy Lycra. Ice hats for migraines that compress the head with cold air are quite beneficial.
Safe and Smellles: Products from Ice Wrap are manufactured from cutting-edge materials and cooling gel of the highest calibre. Wearing products directly on bare skin is safe. No odour and is non-toxic. completely withstands ripping and leakage. Skin-friendly, lightweight, single-piece soft gel construction that flawlessly conforms to your head
Reusable and Widely Used: Ideal for Men, Women, and Children to Decrease Stress and Anxiety Related to Migraines, Concussions, Puffed Eyes, Inflammation, Hangovers, Tension, TBI, Fever, Sports Injuries, and More!
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